League of Legends-Get Jinxed The Music Of League Of Legends, Vol. 1(英雄联盟游戏) 原声大碟

标签:League of Legends Get JinxedThe Music Of League Of Legends Vol.
上传时间:2016-08-23 07:56:46


League of Legends-Get Jinxed The Music Of League Of Legends, Vol. 1(英雄联盟游戏) 原声大碟

League of Legends-Get Jinxed
The Music Of League Of Legends, Vol. 1(英雄联盟游戏) 原声大碟
这是英雄联盟游戏里面的音乐,相对以往的音乐来说,这首Get Jinxed节奏上很快,你们自己来听一下吧,当然经常玩英雄联盟的人就不用多说了,肯定是听过,一般这样的歌曲用在战斗中都很合适!


[00:00.52]Blah blah blablah.

[00:05.22]布拉布拉 布拉布拉

[00:05.22]Wanna join me, come and play.

[00:10.68]想加入吗 和我一起玩?

[00:10.68]But I might shoot you, in your face.

[00:15.48]要小心哦 我会打爆你头

[00:15.48]Bombs and bullets will, do the trick.

[00:21.82]子弹和炸弹起齐飞 这火力猛烈

[00:21.82]What we need here, is a little bit of panic!

[00:26.73]不来点惊吓 怎够刺激

[00:26.73]Do you ever wanna catch me?

[00:28.91]想将我擒获?来啊 看我会不会怕

[00:28.91]Right now I'm feeling ignored!

[00:31.43]怎么没人鸟我 不要忽略我的存在好吗

[00:31.43]So can you try a little harder?


[00:34.48]I'm really getting bored!


[00:40.60]Come on, shoot faster,

[00:43.33]快快 快速瞄准 直击目标

[00:43.33]Just a little bit of energy!

[00:46.15]补充能量 不要瘫软

[00:46.15]I wanna try something fun right now,


[00:48.57]I guess some people call it anarchy!


[00:51.30]Let's blow this city to ashes,


[00:53.92]And see what Pow-Pow thinks.


[00:56.65]It's such pathetic neatness,


[00:59.27]But not for long 'cause it'll get jinxed!

[01:12.81]但这不会维持太久 因为我们将开始扫荡

[01:12.81]So much better, so much fun.

[01:17.95]这样才好玩吧 更有趣吧

[01:17.95]Let's start from scratch and, blow up the sun!

[01:39.24]再制造场混乱 就从炸飞太阳开始

[01:39.24]Come on, shoot faster,

[01:41.86]快快 快速瞄准 直击目标

[01:41.86]Just a little bit of energy!

[01:44.59]补充能量 不要瘫软

[01:44.59]I wanna try something fun right now,


[01:47.21]I guess some people call it anarchy!


[01:48.85]Let's blow this city to ashes,


[01:52.56]And see what Pow-Pow thinks.


[01:55.40]It's such pathetic neatness,


[01:57.92]But not for long 'cause it'll get jinxed!

[02:01.19]但这不会维持太久 因为我们将开始扫荡

[02:01.19]Come on!


[02:06.54]Come on!


[02:10.58]And get jinxed!






  • 歌曲ID:64
  • 歌曲名:League of Legends-Get Jinxed The Music Of League Of Legends, Vol. 1(英雄联盟游戏) 原声大碟
  • 宣传地址: